Channel: Keeping Fit » www.momfitnessmakeover.com

Try these exercises from sexy mom



Hey Moms, wanna work up a sweat in no time?

Try out these challenging exercises — dive bomber pushups and burpees — from Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell.

Dads might want to watch, too. ;)

Stay tuned for a Keeping Fit feature on Carrie in the very near future.

In the meantime, visit her websites at:

www.momfitnessmakeover.com and


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Exercise of the Week: Plank



(Note: Today’s special guest post — featuring a video — is by uber-fit Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell. The five-foot-two yummy mummy is sharing her fitness expertise with Keeping Fit blog readers via regular contributions.)

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Exercise of the Week: Plank

The Plank is probably the most talked about and famous core exercise of the last five years. I venture that everyone has heard of it and most likely tried it as well. A great stabilization exercise that challenges all the core muscles.

The goal is to maintain a plank position for a length of time, increasing the duration each time you execute it and as you gain strength. As always, at some point you need to add progressions to keep challenging those key muscles.

Start with timing how long you can hold it and then increasing by a few seconds every time. Once you feel that you have obtained a set goal for yourself (eg. 2 mins), modify it to make it harder. Featured in this video are the basic plank, single leg plank, single arm plank, single arm/single leg plank and plank to push-up.

Remember the body adapts quickly so you need to continually change up what you are doing.

Execution Points:

• Elbows are directly under shoulders. Head is held in line with spines.

• Body creates a straight line (plank) from head to toe. Hips should not be raised or dropped during execution.

• When form starts to break, stop, rest and start again.

This is an exercise that can be done in quick doses at any point and anywhere during your day.

“Keep It Simple” … just get moving!

Stay Sexy,


“How Does She Do It Mom”

Find my website at: HowDoesSheDoItMom or MomFitnessMakeover

Find me on Facebook at: Carrie Campbell

Find me on Twitter at: @HDSDIMOM

No quick fixes for lasting health and happiness

Photo by Allison Cordner

Carrie Campbell (Photo by Allison Cordner)

(Note: This is the October 2011 installment in a monthly series of guest posts by uber-fit Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell.)

• • •

We live in a society that is littered with “Band-Aid” solutions.

People would rather pop a pill than find out what is really at the root of their problems.

People fill their homes with “stuff” that they purchased as a Band-Aid solution to boredom, unhappiness and lack of direction.

The fitness industry has done a disservice if you ask me by putting Band-Aids, quick fixes on the problems that people face when it comes to their fitness and nutrition goals.

No one wants to be overweight.

No one wants to consume tremendous amounts of junk food leaving them feeling sluggish and gross.

No one wants to fall off the wagon time and time again, only to eventually give up.

Anyone can go on a “fad” diet and lose five pounds in a week.

Anyone can start a new workout program that promises to sculpt them the body of their dreams.

Anyone can hire a personal trainer who promises to “whoop” their backsides into shape.

So, if all the above are true then clearly 1 + 1 are not adding up to 2.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?

Having been in this industry now for eight years, one truth has become very clear to me … we spend far too much time focusing on trying to lose 10lbs, fit into a size 4 jeans and eat perfectly clean diets and not near enough time focused on trying to get to the root of the reason we are in that place to begin with.

Sure you hear talk about being motivated to reach your goals but have you ever dug deep to find out what is hindering you from reaching them.

What triggers you to emotionally eat? Stress in the office or at home? You don’t need to be more focused on finding healthy options and sticking to them. You have to find coping strategies that don’t involve a trip to the corner store.

What causes you to skip the gym? Not enough time in your schedule? What you need more than a pep talk to get yourself to the gym is a schedule overhaul to optimize your training times.

What causes you to give up when you fall off the wagon? Instead of focusing on the failure, you need to focus on the small successes along the way. Falling off the wagon for two days when you have had  three weeks of optimal nutrition and training is fantastic.

However, digging deeper takes more time. It is not a quick fix that will dish out the results you want in a week (only to gain back a few weeks later, I might add). It is the “fix” however to developing new habits to healthy living that will last a lifetime.

Stop putting Band-Aids over the things that you need to fix … dig deeper and decide to change your life and lead once and for all a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Stay Sexy,


“How Does She Do It Mom”

Find my blog at: http:www.HowDoesSheDoItMom.com

Find me on Facebook at: Carrie Campbell

Find me on Twitter at: @HDSDIMOM

Exercise of the Week: Sumo squat jump



(Note: Today’s special guest post — featuring a video — is by uber-fit Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell. The five-foot-two yummy mummy is sharing her fitness expertise with Keeping Fit blog readers via regular contributions.)

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Exercise of the Week: Sumo squat jump

Challenge yourself with sumo squat jumps. A variation to the basic body weight squat that will amp up the intensity for a metabolic kick at the same time as strengthening and toning the legs.

This do-anywhere-anytime exercise will push any basic workout to the max. Add a dumbbell or kettlebell held between the legs for added resistance to further push yourself. Add this exercise to your regular leg workouts by simply supplanting your basic squats with them. Execute for a timed interval or a series of reps.

Execution Point:

• Feet are wider than hip width apart with toes slightly turned out.
• Keep chest up (don’t let lower back round) on the down phase.
• Land on the forefoot then roll back onto the heel of foot to prepare for next jump.
• Use arms to create force production; bringing them back before take-off and then up into the air on jump.

No question about it this exercise will leave your legs wobbly at the end but the rewards of a toned tush and legs will be worth it.

“Keep It Simple”

Stay Sexy,


“How Does She Do It Mom”

Find my blog at: http:www.HowDoesSheDoItMom.com <http://www.howdoesshedoitmom.com/>

Find me on Facebook at: Carrie Campbell <http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=514564839>

Find me on Twitter at: @HDSDIMOM <http://twitter.com/#!/HDSDIMOM>

Exercise of the Week: Bear crawl

Michael Malo Photography

Carrie Campbell (Michael Malo Photography)

(Note: Today’s special guest post — featuring a video — is by uber-fit Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell. The five-foot-two yummy mummy is sharing her fitness expertise with Keeping Fit blog readers via regular contributions.)

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Exercise of the Week: Bear crawl

When was the last time you got down on the floor and crawled? Probably sometime around when you were a baby, right?  The bear crawl is a great way to challenge your entire upper body and core.

Travel the length of a room or for a duration of time. Switch up the direction (forward, backward, left and right). Add it into circuits or warm ups.

Execution points:

• Keep knees off the floor.
• Arms and legs move in opposition.
• Maintain a tight core and stable back.
• Head stays in line with spine.

Simple moves make great workouts.

“Keep It Simple”

Stay Sexy,


“How Does She Do It Mom”

Find my blog at: www.HowDoesSheDoItMom.com

Find me on Facebook at: Carrie Campbell

Find me on Twitter at: @HDSDIMOM

Exercise of the Week: Reverse oblique crunch


Carrie Campbell (Photo by Allison Cordner)

(Note: Today’s special guest post — featuring a video — is by uber-fit Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell. The five-foot-two yummy mummy is sharing her fitness expertise with Keeping Fit blog readers via regular contributions.)

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Exercise of the Week: Reverse oblique crunch

A simple exercise designed to target the entire abdominal muscle group. Executing this move slowly and controlled will definitely give your abs the burn that you are looking for.

Swap it out for one of the exercises that already exists in your workouts or simply add it in.

Execution Points:

• Movements have to be slow and controlled.

• Do not use momentum to bring legs up, allow abs to work.

Remember “Keep It Simple”

Stay Sexy,


“How Does She Do It Mom”

Find my blog at: www.HowDoesSheDoItMom.com

Find me on Facebook at: Carrie Campbell

Find me on Twitter at: @HDSDIMOM

Flirting with obsession

Photo by Steve Walls

Carrie Campbell (Photo by Steve Walls)

(Note: This is the November 2011 installment in a monthly series of guest posts by uber-fit Montreal mother of two Carrie Campbell.)

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Obsession versus healthy consideration.

Where do you lie on this spectrum?

Diet and exercise has become an unhealthy obsession for most people. Obsession can lead to multiple things that don’t necessarily fall into the category of eating disorders.

Are you obsessed?

Do you beat yourself up for days after missing a workout?

Do you feel guilt that riddles you long after having an “off” meal?

Do you workout three times a day … lifting, cardio and then and extra bout of cardio “just in case”?

Do you order a Pumpkin Spice Latte but then make sure you get to the gym after to “work it off”?

Do you want to go to the gym but are so depressed about your body that you don’t bother, opting instead to sit at home and binge in front of the TV?

Do you train for weeks on end without any time for recovery?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I hate to break it to you but you likely are already flirting with an obsession over diet and exercise.

Believe me when I tell you that I used to experience similar emotions. I travelled the journey that has brought me to the place of healthy; it doesn’t happen over night and requires self-reflection and growth.

Ever ask yourself, “Is it really supposed to be this hard?” as you are trying to get back into shape again?

The simple answer is, no, it’s not.

With a commitment to healthy eating and an active lifestyle, it really isn’t that hard.

A realization that has personally smacked me square in the jaw recently. After retiring from fitness competing and embarking on a new pathway of dance while maintaining the regime of exercising regularly and more importantly eating a truly balanced diet, I have realized that it isn’t hard.

It is a simple commitment to yourself. Deciding what you want and then just doing it.

So maybe before you trudge off to the gym in misery today or spend thirty minutes pondering whether you really want that Pumpkin Spice Latte, you should take time to assess what does a healthy diet and exercise lifestyle look like for you.

Then simply commit to it.

Stay Sexy,


“How Does She Do It Mom”

Find my blog at: http:www.HowDoesSheDoItMom.com

Find me on Facebook at: Carrie Campbell

Find me on Twitter at: @HDSDIMOM

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